Selamat hari minggu, semoga keberuntungan menghampiri kamu :D
Weew, akhirnya... Abang-abang mood menghampiri setelah sekian lama
tidak memposting di amaulidta[at]blogspot[dot]com, GOD!
Kali ini gue mau sedikit (banyak) cerita tentang topik yang
sedang gue gandrungi beberapa semester terakhir hoho. Yes! LGBT Things. But this
time, i wanna share something about the G(ay) first. This “Gay thing” was
spinning in my head for sooo long. It was really interesting! Speak about how
they live their life as a minority, their realitionship, and so on.
What i get from those Gay guys is they are exactly same with
us, feeling guilty, happy, sad, broken hearted, fallin in love... and what is
the differences? Their faith, believes about sexual which contradiction with
the religion and norms. They are attracted to people of his own gender.